Saturday, February 1, 2014

Jang Yoon-Jeong Vol. 2 (장윤정 2집) (2005)

The 21st Century’s Queen of Trot, Jang Yoon-Jeong followed up on the success of her first album with this fine effort. On the trot side, there are hits such as “Flower,” “Jjan-jja-ra,” and the later-to-be-remade “Bean Pods.” On the non-trot side there’s the pop ballad “Letter,” a duet with the late Chae Dong-Ha (채동하) of SG Wannabe, the dance tracks “Hey Lover” and “Frost,” and the rap-rock chant “Take Heart.” Jang’s vocal talent is considerable enough to carry these songs, whatever the genre, and it makes for a good all-around album. Trot may not be most youngsters’ cup of tea, but this album proves it can successfully be fused with modern pop sensibilities.

Image via ManiaDB

1. 가진 너무 없는 남자
My Man Who Has Nearly Nothing

Music & Arrangement: Shin Cheol (
Lyrics:  Park Hae-Woon (
박해운), Lee Seung-Ho (이승호)

가진 너무 없는 남자
My man who has nearly nothing
불안해야 할텐데 너무 씩씩해
Ought to be afraid, but he is too brave
조바심에 짜증내봐도
Although I chafe with anxiety
걱정할 없다고 껄껄 웃어요
He laughs out loud that there’s nothing to worry about
가끔은요 소리 뻥뻥 칠때면 미운 일곱 살이 되지만
Sometimes, when he loudly boasts he becomes a naughty seven-year-old
그래도요 하늘이 무너진대도 하나만은 지킨대요
But nonetheless, even if the sky were falling, he’d protect only me

믿어요 그댈 믿어요 가진 너무 없는 남자
I believe, I believe in you, my man who has nearly nothing
하나 가진 것만으로도 충분히 행복한 남자
A man happy enough even having only me
I love you

가진 너무 없는 남자
My man who has nearly nothing
어떡하면 좋아요 생일 조차
What to do? Even on my birthday
반지처럼 손가락에 뚜껑 끼워주며 믿어 달래요
He puts a can tab on my finger like a ring and wants me to believe
가끔은요 덩치답지 않게요 재롱에 웃게 하지만
Sometimes, as unbecoming of his large body frame, he makes me laugh by acting cute
그래도요 눈물 닦아주는 투박한 뿐인걸요
But nonetheless, that rough hand is the only thing that wipes my tears

믿어요 그댈 믿어요 가진 너무 없는 남자
I believe, I believe in you, my man who has nearly nothing
하나 가진 것만으로도 충분히 행복한 남자
A man happy enough even having only me
믿어요 그댈 믿어요 가진게 너무 없는 남자
I believe, I believe in you, my man who has nearly nothing
하나 가진 것만으로도 세상을 가진 남자
A man who has the whole world even having only me
I love you


Music: Im Gang-Hyeon (
Lyrics: Jeong In (
Arrangement: Choi Seung-Jin (

그대를 생각하면 자꾸만 눈물이 나요
When I think of you, tears repeatedly well up
언제나 변함없는 그대 사랑에 해줄게 없네요
I have nothing to give you for your never-changing love
그대여 울면 안돼요 내가 가슴이 아파요
Oh darling, you mustn’t cry, my heart aches more
보며 미소 짓는 그대 생각에 나는 행복하네요
I am happy in the thought of you looking at me and smiling

보고싶을 달려갈께요
When I want to see you, I will run to you
그대를 사랑해요
I love you

기억해요 우리 처음 만났었던
Remember, the day we first met
기억해요 서로 헤어짐을 아쉬워 하던
Remember, when we felt the pain of separation from each other
약속해요 우리 함께 살아가는 날까지
Promise, until the day we’re together
마음 변치 않길
That heart will not change


Music: Im Gang-Hyeon (
Lyrics: Jeong In (
Arrangement: Im Gang-Hyeon (

잘가요 안녕 내사랑(짠짠짠)
Farewell, goodbye, my love (jjan-jjan-jjan)

반짝 반짝 반짝이는 밤하늘의 별을 보며 (짜라라짜짜짜)
Twinkle, twinkle, as I see the stars twinkling in the night sky (jja-ra-ra-jja-jja-jja)
우리 사랑 변치 말자던 약속 잊으셨나요 (짠짠)
Have you forgotten that promise that our love would never change? (jjan-jjan)

갖고 장난쳤나요 사랑이 그런건가요
Did you toy with me? Is that what love is?
이리저리로 왔다 요리조리로 갔다
You came back and forth, you went left and right
아직도 헷갈리나요
Are you still confused?

짠짠짠하게 하지 말아요
Jjan-jjan, don’t make me feel sorry for you
말없이 그냥 가세요 (짜라라짜짜짜)
Please just go without a word (jja-ra-ra-jja-jja-jja)
짠짠짠 이제 울지 않아요
Jjan-jjan-jjan, I won’t cry anymore
잘가요 안녕 내사랑(짠짠)
Farewell, goodbye, my love (jjan-jjan)

깜빡깜빡 깜빡이는 네온싸인 불빛아래 (짜라라짜짜짜)
Flicker, flicker, under the glow of the flickering neon sign (jja-ra-ra-jja-jja-jja)
약속시간 지나갔어도 내님은 오질 않네요 (짠짠)
Even though the appointment time has passed, my love doesn’t come! (jjan-jjan)



Music: Im Gang-Hyeon (
Lyrics: Jeong In (
Arrangement: Im Gang-Hyeon (

찾아 오신 내님 어서오세요
My love, who came to see me, please come in
당신을 기다렸어요 (라이 라이야)
I waited for you (La-i-la-i-ya)
어서오세요 당신의 꽃이 될래요
Please come in, I will be your flower
어디서 무엇 하다 이제 왔나요
From where and doing what did you finally come?
당신을 기다렸어요 (라이 라이야)
I waited for you (La-i-la-i-ya)
어서오세요 당신의 꽃이 될래요
Please come in, I will be your flower

사랑의 꽃씨를 뿌려 기쁨을 주고
Spreading flower seeds of love, we give joy
서로 행복 나누며
And share happiness with each other
~ 라이 라이 라이 라야
당신은 나의 나무가 되고
You become my tree
~ 라이 라이 라이 라야
나는 당신의 꽃이 될래요
And I will be your flower

Hey Lover

Music: Im Gang-Hyeon (
Lyrics & Arrangement: Im Gang-Hyeon (
임강현), Choi Seung-Jin (최승진)

안돼요 안돼 두고 떠나면 안돼
No, no, you may not leave me behind
그렇겐 못해 절대 보낼 없어
I can’t do that, I could never let you go
갈테면 가봐 모든 잊고 떠나봐
Go if you want to, forget it all and leave
그땐 뒤돌아서 후회를 할거야
When you do, you’ll turn around and regret it

희미한 기억속에 너의 이름 불러도
Though I call your name in my dim memories
다신 볼수 없던 사랑한 사람
My beloved, who I can never see again

사랑아 나를 두고 떠나가지마
Hey lover, don’t leave me behind
나만 두고 가려거든 다신 나를 찾지마
If you intend to leave me, don’t ever look for me again
언젠가 그대 나를 찾는 다해도
Even if you were to find me someday
그땐 내가 먼저 뒤돌아서 그댈 볼수 없으리
I’d turn around first so I couldn’t see you

사랑이 떠나네요
Love is Leaving

Music: Lee Seung-Han (
이승한), Lee Seong-Geun (이성근)
Lyrics: Lee Seung-Han (
Arrangement: Choi Seung-Chan (

사랑하긴 했나요
Did you indeed love me?
아직도 당신을 모르겠어요
I still don’t know you
스쳐간 사랑이었다면
If you say it was just a fling
그냥 이대로 말없이 떠나가세요
Please just leave me as I am without a word

사랑이 나를 바보로 만드네요
Love made a fool of me
이별이 나를 너무 힘들게 해요
Parting makes it so difficult for me

아직 안에 남아있는 당신의 그림자가 너무도 크네요
Your shadow that still remains inside me is so very big
이제 다시는 없겠죠
I’ll never be able to see you again
부디 잊어요
I beg you to forget me
I was happy

사랑이 떠나네요 나홀로 남겨두고
Love is leaving, leaving me all alone
이제는 다시 없나요
Will I ever be able to see you again?

아라리 (상사병)
A-Ra-Ri (Lovesickness)

Music: Son Sang-Wook (
Lyrics: Choi Bi-Ryong (
최비룡), Son Sang-Wook (손상욱)
Arrangement: Son Sang-Wook (

영원히 사랑하자던 잊으셨나요
Did you forget saying we should love each other forever?
이유를 알고 싶어요, 정말 미워요
I want to know the reason, I really hate it

한번 그대 눈길에 너무 떨렸고
When you looked at me only once, my heart trembled so much
바람에 날리듯 흔들렸어요
And it shook like a flower petal blowing in the wind

얼마나 그댄 무정하기에
How cruel are you
피지도 못한 순정 꺾으시나요
To break off a pure love that can’t even blossom?
사랑한다면 이별을 말고
If you love me, instead of saying goodbye
버릴 눈물도 가져가세요
When you cast me off, please take my tears too

아리 아리요, 아라리요, 곁에 돌아 없나요
A-ri, a-ri-yo, a-ra-ri-yo, can you never come back to my side?
좋아한다고, 사랑한다고, 가슴에 새기셨나요
Why did you carve into my heart that you like me, you love me?

아리 아리요, 아라리요, 가는 뿌려 줄게요
A-ri, a-ri-yo, a-ra-ri-yo, I will scatter flower petals on your path
행복하세요, 사랑했어요, 순정을 잊지 말아요 가세요
Please be happy, I loved you, don’t forget my pure love, farewell

Hole of Love

Music & Lyrics: Jo Man-Ho (
Arrangement: Song Tae-Ho (

사랑은 한낮 꿈처럼
Love is like a midday dream
가슴 마침표 찍고
It puts an end to my heart
이별의 교차로에서
At the crossroads of parting
나를 외면 하고 떠나갔네
You looked away from me and left

무너진 가슴이 얼마였던가
How much of my heart crumbled?
세월의 무덤가에 사랑 던지고
Throwing my love at the graveside of times past

가슴 한곳은 뚫린채로
With a gaping hole in my heart
찬바람 스쳐간뒤에
After the cold wind passed by
이젠 누구를 사랑할 있을까
Can I love anybody anymore?
가슴앓이 진주를 품은 나는
I, who am forming a pearl of heartache?

인생에서 피할 없었던 사랑사랑사랑 굿이었네
It was the hole of love, love, love that I couldn’t avoid in my life


Music & Lyrics: Park Choon-Seok (
Arrangement: Song Tae-Ho (

파란불 활주로를 두고 어두운 하늘 멀리 떠나간 행복이여
Oh, happiness that left the green light runway and went far off into the dark sky
가버린 내사랑 이제는 기약할수 없네
My love who’s gone can’t meet with me anymore
외로운 발길 위에 흐르는 눈물 쌓여온 고독때문에
Because of the tears flowing onto my lonely path, the built-up solitude
참으려 해도 잊으려 애써봐도 서러움 메아리 되네
Though I try to endure, try hard to forget, the sadness echoes

깊은 활주로를 떠나 수많은 별빛사이로 날아간 사랑이여
Oh, love that flew off into the many stars, leaving the runway in the deep of night
내곁은 스친 세월 이제는 돌아올 없네
The time that passed by my side can no longer return
잠이든 곤한 길에 비치는 불빛 창밖에 흘러가는데
On the weary path where you fall asleep, the shining lights outside the window drift by
뜨거운 눈물 흐르는 두뺨위에 차가운 바람 스치네
Against my two cheeks, flowing with warm tears, the icy wind brushes by
뜨거운 눈물 흐르는 두뺨위에 차가운 바람 스치네
Against my two cheeks, flowing with warm tears, the icy wind brushes by


Music, Lyrics & Arrangement: Lee Seung-Han (

처음엔 너무 잘했어
At first we were doing so well
그런 너에게 모든 주었고
I gave everything to a man like you
오랜 시간을 지내왔던 사랑했기 때문야
And the reason we were together so long is because I loved you
하지만 맘이 변했어
However, my heart changed
대하는 모습에 느꼈어
I felt it in how you treated me
이미 다른 여자가 있고 기회만 봐왔던 거야
You already had another woman and had only seen an opportunity

모든 남자들 그래도 너만을 믿었는데
Even though all men are like that, I believed in you alone
사랑의 노리개로 생각해 절대로 용서 못해
But you think of me as a love toy, I can never forgive you

조금만 기다려
I’ll wait only a little
내게 만큼 갚을게
And then repay everything you did to me
남들은 말하지
You know what people say
오뉴월에 서리라고
“Frost in May and June”

사랑한 기억조차도 함께한 모든 추억까지도
Even the beloved memories, even all the reminiscences we shared
바람에 모두 날려버렸어
Have all blown away in the wind
예전에 내가 아니야
I’m not living in the past
버림을 받는다는건 너무나 가슴 아픈 일이야
The thing that pains my heart so much is that you abandoned me
지울 없는 마음에 상처 너에게 돌려 줄거야
I’ll give back to you the indelible wound in my heart

Note: The chorus refers to a Korean saying. The saying is something to the effect of “if a woman dwells on her sorrow, frost will appear in May and June.” It’s similar to “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”

Bean Pods

Music: Choi Joon-Ho (
Lyrics: Choi Bi-Ryong (
Arrangement: Yoo Jae-Joon (

사랑의 콩깍지 씌어 버렸어, 나는 나는 어쩌면 좋아
The bean pods of love have blinded me, oh my, what should I do?

세상을 살다보면 사랑해 주는 사람
Having lived in this world, aren’t there some who love me
내가 원하는 사람도 있지
And aren’t there some who I desire too?
사랑을 받는 것도 행복이지만
Being loved at all makes me happy
누가 뭐래도 내가 사랑하는 당신이 최고야
But no matter what they say, you, my beloved, are the best!
이러쿵 저러쿵 간섭하지마 아무것도 보이지 않아
Don’t meddle in this and that, I see nothing at all
저러쿵 이러쿵 시비걸지마 눈엔 사람만 보여
Don’t quarrel about that and this, my eyes can only see that person

사랑의 콩깍지 씌어 버렸어 나는 나는 어쩌면 좋아
The bean pods of love have blinded me, oh my, what should I do?
사랑의 콩깍지에 ! 사람의 콩깍지에 ! !
The bean pods of love went bang! My lover’s bean pods went bang, bang!
빠져 버렸어
I fell head over heels
사랑의 콩깍지 씌어 버렸어 나는 나는 어쩌면 좋아
The bean pods of love have blinded me, oh my, what should I do?

Note: This song is based on a Korean idiom. If someone is blindly in love, they say “your eyes are covered with bean pods.” Hence, this song is about being blindly in love.

힘내라 (응원가)
Take Heart (Fight Song)

Music & Arrangement: Im Gang-Hyeon (
Lyrics: Im Gang-Hyeon (
임강현), Choi Seung-Jin (최승진)
힘내라 , 힘내라 , 힘내라
Take heart, take heart…take heart, take heart…

Stand up
일어나 모두 털고 어깨를 펴고
Stand up, get up, let it all go and square your shoulders
이젠 앞으로 나와 안나오면 쳐들어가
Now come forward, come out or we attack
눈뜨고 여길봐 아랫배에 힘주고 함성 일발 장전
Open your eyes and look here, hold in your stomach and prepare your war cry

힘내라 ( ) 힘내라 앞으로 나가자
Take heart (heart heart), take heart, let’s go forward

축쳐진 어깨가 안어울려 (yeah)
Sagging shoulders don’t suit you (yeah)
가슴을 활짝 (yeah)
Puff your chest out wide (yeah)
한걸음 두걸음 가다보면 승리는 우리의것 (yeah)
If we take one step, two steps, victory will be ours (yeah)
하늘을 향해 소리쳐 보자
Let’s face the sky and shout out loud
우린 해냈어
We did it!

힘내라 ( ) 힘내라 앞으로 나가자
Take heart (heart heart), take heart, let’s go forward

축쳐진 어깨가 보기싫어 (yeah)
We don’t want to see sagging shoulders (yeah)
가슴을 활짝 (yeah)
Puff your chest out wide (yeah)
앞으로 앞으로 가다보면 승리는 우리의것 (yeah)
If we go forward, forward, victory will be ours (yeah)
하늘을 향해 소리쳐 보자
Let’s face the sky and shout out loud
우린 해냈어
We did it!

힘내라 ( ) 힘내라 앞으로 나가자
Take heart (heart heart), take heart, let’s step forward

함성과 함께 파도타기 시작
Start doing the wave with a war cry
두팔을 들고 (oh)
Raise your two arms (oh)
같이 힘차게 (oh)
All together powerfully (oh)
같이 크게 (oh)
All together louder (oh)
마지막 한번더 (oh)
Finally one more time (oh)

사랑아 (Remix)
Hey Lover (Remix)

Flower (MR)

Special thanks to Tay, littlething, Daniel, Peter Choi and Roy Park for help with these translations.

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