Saturday, August 23, 2014

Cho Yong-Pil Vol. 12 (조용필 12집) Sailing Sound (1990)

Cho Yong-Pil’s 12th album Sailing Sound, his first of the 1990’s, contains one of his most-covered ballads, the sweeping and magnificent “I Wish It Could Be That Way Now.” That song is only one of many highlights, however. The cheery pop of “Your Scent Scattered” and the longing rocker “Sunflower” have hooks that stick in your brain, as does the upbeat closer “Life Goes Round and Round.” The opening track “Reunion in Memories” was the title song, and received new life years later after being covered on the Korean variety show I Am a Singer. There are interesting changes of pace too, with the haunting and mysterious “Ancient Palace,” a tribute to a historic castle that’s now a run-down tourist attraction, and the genre-defying “Oh Tree,” which taps into the human desire for groundedness. All in all, this album was a great beginning to the new decade, and is one of Cho’s best start-to-finish listens.

Image taken from ManiaDB

1. 추억속의 재회
Reunion in Memories

Lyrics: Choi Eun-Jeong (
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (

지나치는 어둠 속에서 머리 낯선 모습
In the passing darkness, that unfamiliar long-haired form
파도처럼 일렁이며, 창가를 스쳐가는 젖은 눈의 그댈 보았네
I saw you pass by the window with wet eyes, rolling like a wave
맞추면 고운 입술
Those lips, lovely when we kissed
울먹이는 슬픈 그대여
Oh, you who are sad, close to tears
바람 속에 지는 그대의 만남
Meeting you, who disappeared in the wind
순간에 머물렀을
I had only remained in the moment
떠나버린 날들을 이제는
Those days have gone
사랑이라 부르지 않으리영원히
I shall not call it love anymore…ever

기약없는 이별 뒤에 찾아와
After parting with no promise to return, you visit me
추억의 서러움만 남기네
Only the sorrow of memories remains
미워할 없는 그댈 지우며
As I erase you, who I can’t hate
감은 가슴엔 눈물이,
There are tears in my heart that has closed its eyes, hey…

멀어지는 그대의 모습, 부드러운 꽃향기처럼
The form of you that’s dying away, like the gentle scent of a flower
가까이 다가와서 아프도록 마주 보며 사랑으로 나를 부르네
You draw near and face me until it hurts, and you call me with love
시간이 지나면 이제는
When this time passes
잊혀져간 꿈으로 남으리영원히
It shall remain as a dream that’ll be forgotten…forever

2. 이젠 그랬으면 좋겠네
I Wish It Could Be That Way Now

Lyrics: Park Joo-Yeon (
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (

나는 떠날 때부터 다시 돌아올 알았지
Ever since I left, I knew that I would return again
눈에 익은 자리 편히 있는
This room, familiar to my eyes, is a place where I can rest comfortably
많은 것을 찾아서 멀리만 떠났지
I went far away in search of many things
어디서 있었는지
I don’t know where I was
하늘 높이 날아서 별을 안고 싶어
I want to fly high in the sky and hold the stars
소중한 모두 잊고 산건 아니었나
Forgetting all the precious things, have I truly lived?

이젠 그랬으면 좋겠네
I wish it could be that way now
그대 그늘에서 지친 마음 아물게
In your care, it heals my tired heart
소중한 옆에 있다고
The precious things are right by your side
떠나려는 사람에게 말했으면
If only they told people going on a long journey

너를 보낼 때부터 다시 돌아올 알았지
Ever since I let you go, I knew you would return again
손에 익은 물건들 편히 있는
These things, familiar to your hands, a place where you can sleep comfortably
숨고 싶어 헤매던 세월을 딛고서
You overcame the times you wandered, wanting to hide
무얼 느껴왔는지
And then you didn’t know what you’d felt
하늘 높이 날아서 별을 안고 싶어
I want to fly high in the sky and hold the stars
소중한 모두 잊고 산건 아니었나
Forgetting all the precious things, have I truly lived?

그대의 향기는 흩날리고
Your Scent Scattered

Lyrics: Seok Hoon (
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (

아침햇살 비쳐오면 나의 창을 열어놓고
When the morning sun shines I open my window
이런 새벽에 안갯속에 젖어보네
And on a dawn like this I get wet in the fog
밤새도록 그려보는 아름다운 모습은
Although the beautiful sight I envisioned all night long
창문 너머로 다가올 같은데도
Seems like it’ll come through the window
불어오는 바람에 그대의 향기는 흩날리고
Your scent scattered in the ever-blowing wind
잊지 못할 추억들이 이제는 떠나버렸네
And those unforgettable memories have now all gone away

그렇지만 그대는 아름다워
However, you are beautiful
영원토록 나의 마음속에서
You are in my heart forever
사랑스런 그대는 여기 있네
Lovable you, you’re right here
영원토록 나의 마음속에서
You are in my heart forever
그대는 그대는
You are, you are

맘속에 스며드는 그대 숨결 속삭이며
As your mind-penetrating breath whispers
살며시 다시 내게로 돌아올까
Might you be softly returning to me again?

4. 그대 숨결 속에서
In Your Breath

Lyrics: Park Geon-Ho (
Music: Lee Ho-Joon (

그대를 보면 나도 모르게 마음을 주고 싶어라
When I see you, before I know it I want to give you my heart
떨리는 입술로 사랑한다 말할 없나
I can’t say I love you with those trembling lips
눈에 가득 어려 오는 그대 모습 하나뿐인데
The only thing that’s filled my eyes is your image
바라보는 시간이 신비스럽고 달콤해
And this time watching you is mysterious and sweet

가까이서 다가오는 그대 숨결 속에서
In your breath that closely approaches
아름다운 세상을 보았네
I saw this beautiful world
내일이면 느낌이 변할런지 몰라도
I don’t know if this feeling will change tomorrow
지금 나는 행복해
But right now I’m happy
둘이서 손잡고 거리를 헤매이며
As the two of us join hands and wander the street
영원히 잊을 우리의 추억들을 남기고 싶어라
Oh, how I want to leave memories of us I can never forget

5. 고궁
Ancient Palace

Lyrics: Choi Eun-Jeong (
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (

벽련화 반겨주는 어둠에 너는 울고 있구나
I see you crying in the darkness where blue Lotus flowers welcome me
천년에 역사를 아느냐 님은 가고 없는데
Do you know the thousand-year-long history? Your beloved is gone

돌쩌귀엔 이끼가 마르고 빛을 잃은 단청이 슬퍼라
On your hinges moss is dried, and how sad your faded paint looks!
뜰아래 목련은 년이나 졌더냐
Have the magnolias in the garden fallen for several years or so?
까마득히 세월 어둠 속에 고뇌를 감추고 기다린다
Ever since a far-off time, you conceal your agony in the darkness and wait
님을 잊지 못하고 밤마다 우는구나
I see you can’t forget your beloved and cry every night

돌들이 쓸리우는 바람에 무얼 생각하느냐
What are you thinking, in a wind that can sweep away stones?
새소리 더욱 설운 밤도 님은 자취 없는데
For there’s no trace of your beloved even tonight, when bird songs are all the more sad

Note: This song uses many figurative expressions that aren’t as clear in the translation. The blue Lotus flowers, for instance refer to the blue eyes of foreigners, as the ancient palace is just a tourist attraction now, not the home of the royal family, its “beloved.” The magnolias falling in the garden refer to a long passage of time, and the “wind that can sweep away stones” refers to the long and difficult life the palace has had.

6. 해바라기

Lyrics: Lee Geon-Woo (
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (

해가 뜨면 마음엔 피어나는 외로운 해바라기
When the sun comes up, the lonesome sunflower blossoms again in my heart
바람 부는 언덕에서 어느 누가 곁에 머무려나
Will anyone stay beside me on the windy hill?
기다림에 지쳐버린 해바라기
My sunflower is tired of waiting

고개를 떨구지도 못하고 (해바라기)
I can’t even lower my head (Sunflower)
하늘에 고운 새겨
I carve a lovely dream in the sky
조각난 추억들을 모아서 (해바라기)
I gather the shattered memories (Sunflower)
그리운 모습을 그려
And yearn for the things I miss
가슴 아픈 영혼의 눈빛
The look in the eyes of my heartbroken spirit
버리지도 못하는 기대 그렇게 아쉬워하면서
The hopes I can’t abandon, as I miss you so

해가 지면 누군가를 기다리는 고독한 해바라기
When the sun goes down, the solitary sunflower waits again for somebody
찬바람이 불어와도 어둠 속에 누구를 기다리나
Though the cold wind blows, I wait for someone in the darkness
기다림에 지쳐버린 해바라기
My sunflower is tired of waiting

7. 모습
The Image of Me

Lyrics: Park Geon-Ho (
Music: Lee Ho-Joon (

길을 가다 생각해 보네 그대 내게 하던 말을
As I go down the road I think of the words you said to me
세월이 흘러 뒤에 다시 한번 생각해보네
After a long time goes by, I think of them once again
이제 와서 누가 누구를 사랑하고 미워하는가
After all this time, who hates and loves someone?
인생을 이렇게 변하고 여기에 잠시 머물렀네
You changed my life like this and remained here for a while
하얀 백지 위에 휘갈려 놓은 어지러운 낙서 같은
It’s like a messy scribble scrawled on a blank white sheet of paper
잃어버린 모습을 찾아서 어디론가 떠나야 하네
I must go off in search of the image of me that’s been lost

불현듯이 뒤돌아 보네 화려하게 걸어온 길을
Suddenly I look back on the road I’ve impressively walked
모든 나의 가슴에 깊이 패인 자욱이었네
All those things were a scar dug deeply in my heart
이제 와서 어느 누구를 미워할 있는 것일까
After all this time, can I hate anybody?
혼자서 먼길을 달리며 언제나 외롭기만 했네
As I ran a long way alone, I was lonely the entire time
하얀 백지 위에 휘갈려 놓은 어지러운 낙서 같은
It’s like a messy scribble scrawled on a blank white sheet of paper
잃어버린 모습을 찾아서 어디론가 떠나야 하네
I must go off in search of the image of me that’s been lost

8. 나비리본의 추억
The Memory of the Butterfly Ribbon

Lyrics: Kim Soon-Gon (
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (

그대의 머릿결 사이로 이슬 맺힌 슬픔을 알아
I know the sadness that formed dew in the waves of your hair
보랏빛 리본이 고왔던 그대 모습 잊을 없어
I can’t forget the sight of you, with a purple ribbon that was always lovely

그대 멀리 떠나버린 밤이면
On a night when you’re so far away
꿈결처럼 방안 가득 날아와
Like a dreamy state it flies in and fills the room
보랏빛 나비 리본은 그대의 환상인가
Is the purple butterfly ribbon a fantasy of you?
날갯짓 새로 보이는 나만의 사랑이여
Oh, this love of mine looks like a flapping bird

그대의 옷깃을 적시는 이슬 맺힌 고독을 알아
I know the solitude that formed the dew that wets your collar
보랏빛 리본이 고왔던 그대 모습 잊을 없어
I can’t forget the sight of you, with a purple ribbon that was always lovely

9. 나무야
Oh Tree

Lyrics: Kim Soon-Gon (
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (

세상일이 그렇고 그래 모든 것이 그렇고 그래
The world is all the same, everything is all the same
하늘 보면 모두 날려 하지만 시작마저도 쉽지 않아
Everyone tries to fly when they look at the sky, but getting started isn’t easy
가끔씩은 도박사처럼 모든 것을 걸기도 하지
Sometimes, like a gambler, I even bet it all
잃은 것은 생각하지 못하고 모두 얻으려 하는거야
I can’t think about what I’m losing and try to gain everything
바람 불어와 언제나 그렇게 마음 흔들리면
When the wind blows and my heart is always so indecisive
하늘 향해 눈을 감으리 나도야 욕심 없는 나무가 되고파
I shall face the sky and close my eyes, I too want to be a tree that has no greed

, 나무야 뿌리가 깊으니
Ahhh, oh tree, because your roots are deep
나무야 바람이 불어도
Oh tree, even though the wind blows
나무야 푸르른 꿈꾸며 서있구나
Oh tree, you stand there dreaming a green dream

사랑마저 그렇고 그래 언제까지 뜻대로 안돼
Even love is all the same, how long will things not go my way?
행복이란 작은 풍선 같아서 날아간 후에 있지
Happiness is like a small balloon, and you only know it after it flies away
어쩌다가 이별을 하면 모든 것이 끝날 것처럼
If I should say goodbye, it’ll be like the end of everything
슬퍼하며 길을 떠나가지만 결국 잊을 없는 거야
I feel sad as I go on my way, but I ultimately can’t forget
바람 불어와 언제나 그렇게 마음 흔들리면
When the wind blows and my heart is always so indecisive
하늘 향해 눈을 감으리 나도야 욕심 없는 나무가 되고파
I shall face the sky and close my eyes, I too want to be a tree that has no greed

, 나무야 뿌리가 없으니
Ahh, oh tree, because I have no roots
나무야 바람이 두려워
Oh tree, I fear the wind
나무야 곳을 모르고 떠돌잖아
Oh tree, I drift, unsure of where I’m going

10. 돌고 도는 인생
Life Goes Round and Round

Lyrics: Park Geon-Ho (
Music: Yoo Yeong-Seon (

무엇을 보고 들었나 돌고 돌아가는 인생
What did we see and hear? Life goes round and round
바람이 불어와 나를 흔드네
The wind blows and shakes me
누구를 향해 말하나 우리들이 사는 인생
Who are we speaking to? We’re living life
그대의 얼굴에 정이 드네
I grow attached to your face
이런저런 인생도 우리
One life after another is ours indeed

그대가 보는 세상은 마음 모두 적셔 주네
The world you see drenches my heart
우리의 사랑 아름다운 사랑
Our love, beautiful love
그대가 멀리 떠나면 홀로 남아 쓸쓸하게
When you go far away, I’m left lonely by myself
노래 불러야지
I should sing a song

어디를 향해 걷는가 돌고 돌아가는 인생
Where are we walking to? Life goes round and round
우리의 길목엔 사연 많더라
On our corner so many things happen
이런저런 인생도 우리
One life after another is ours indeed

Special thanks to Littlething for help with these translations.

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