Cho Duk-Bae’s second album picks
up where his first album left off. The overall sound is driven mainly by soft
instruments like the acoustic guitar, piano, melodeon and flute, with the fast-paced
pop-rocker “You Who Are Hidden to Me” and a reprint of the first album’s
synth-grinder “You Look So Pretty From Behind” as exceptions. Unlike his first
album, several of these songs are collaborations with other writers.
Cho’s most famous song from this album is the dramatic “In a Dream,” which starts out airy and calm, but becomes ever more frantic as the singer’s desperation grows. Other highlights are the beautiful “To My Beloved Woman” (written for his wife, according to the singer himself) and the jazzy “A Woman There’s Only One of in This World.”
This album is only available on CD as a combined disc with Cho’s first album and a slightly different track sequence. The sequence here is the original one from the vinyl album.
Cho’s most famous song from this album is the dramatic “In a Dream,” which starts out airy and calm, but becomes ever more frantic as the singer’s desperation grows. Other highlights are the beautiful “To My Beloved Woman” (written for his wife, according to the singer himself) and the jazzy “A Woman There’s Only One of in This World.”
This album is only available on CD as a combined disc with Cho’s first album and a slightly different track sequence. The sequence here is the original one from the vinyl album.
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Image of Cho Duk-Bae's 2nd Album via ManiaDB |
All music and lyrics by Cho Duk-Bae (조덕배) except where otherwise noted.
1. 사랑하는 여인에게
To My Beloved Woman
그대 거기에 그냥 있어요
You’re just standing there
내가 그리로 걸어 갈께요
I’ll walk in that direction
그대 눈물을 닦지 말아요
Don’t wipe your tears
내가 눈물을 닦아줄께요
I’ll wipe your tears for you
눈물을 보며는 내 마음이 아파요
When I see tears my heart aches
영원히 영원히 함께 있어요
Forever, forever, we’ll be together
그대 이제는 웃어 보아요
Why don’t you smile now?
웃는 얼굴이 보고 싶어요
I want to see your smiling face
눈물을 보며는 내 마음이 아파요
When I see tears my heart aches
영원히 영원히 함께 있어요
Forever, forever, we’ll be together
꽃이 피어서 시들때까지
Until the flower blooms and withers
그게 천번이 지날때까지
Until that happens a thousand times
2. 꿈에
In a Dream
꿈에 어제꿈에 보았던
In a dream, in yesterday’s dream I saw
이름모를 너를 나는 못잊어
The anonymous you I cannot forget
본적도 없고 이름도 모르는
Whom I’ve never even seen before and whose name I don’t even know
지난꿈 스쳐간 여인이여
Oh, woman that passed by in my last dream
이밤에 곰곰히 생각해보니
Now that I reflect on it tonight
어디선가 본듯한 바로 그모습
It seems that I’ve seen that very image somewhere
떠오르는 모습 잊었었던 사람
An image coming to me, a person I had forgotten
어느해 만났던 여인이여
Oh, woman I met one year
어느 가을 만났던 사람이여
Oh, person I met one fall
난 눈을뜨면 꿈에서 깰까봐
If I open my eyes, lest I awake from the dream
난 눈못뜨고 그대를 보네
I can’t open my eyes and see you
물거품처럼 깨져버린 내꿈이여
Oh, my dream that has broken like a water bubble
오늘밤에 그대여 와요
Won’t you come tonight?
난 눈을뜨면 사라지는 사람이여
If I open my eyes, oh vanishing person
난 눈못뜨고 그대를 또 보네
I can’t open my eyes and see you anymore
물거품처럼 깨져버린 내꿈이여
Oh, my dream that has broken like a water bubble
오늘밤에 그대여 와요
Won’t you come tonight?
3. 이 세상에서 단 하나뿐인 여인
A Woman There’s Only One of in This World
Lyrics: Cho Duk-Bae (조덕배) Music: Park Gwang-Hoon (박광훈)
비내리는 강을 지나 불빛앞에 서면
If I pass the river with rain falling in it and stand in front of the light
나를 기다리는 그대 모습
There’s the sight of you waiting for me
비에 젖은 하얀 얼굴 까만 머리칼에 흘러내리는 서러움
With sorrow running down your rain-soaked white face, your jet-black hair
어두운 거리에 우리 둘만 남아
On the dark street only the two of us remain
희미한 달빛속을 거닐며
We stroll in the dim moonlight
까만 밤속을 지나
And pass through the pitch-black night
멀리 저멀리 가면
If we go far, far away
우리가 머무를 곳이 있을까
Where will we stay?
저기 저기
Over there, over there
4. 듣고 있나요
Do You Hear It?
Lyrics: Ji Ye (지예) Music: Cho Duk-Bae (조덕배)
고개 들어서 나를 보아요
Lift your head and look at me
나의 눈속에 그대가 있어요
You are in my eyes
언제까지나 그대 모습은
Forever the image of you
내 가슴속에 숨쉬고 있어요
Is breathing in my heart
듣고있나요 듣고있나요
Do you hear it? Do you hear it?
그대를 언제나 쫓고있는 그림자되어 부르는 소리
The call that’s like a shadow that’s always chasing you?
텅비어버린 나의 가슴은
My emptied-out heart
기다림으로 가득차 있어요
Is filled with the wait
언제까지나 그대 모습은
Forever the image of you
내 가슴속에 숨쉬고 있어요
Is breathing in my heart
5. 꿈에 (경음악)
In a Dream (Instrumental)
6. 슬픔 그뒤에 오는 고독
The Solitude That Follows Sadness
비오는 가로등 밑에
Under the streetlight with rain falling
갈곳을 몰라서 헤메는 가엾은 여인의 모습이
A pitiful woman wandering around not knowing where to go
내눈에 비춰질때
When the sight of her is illuminated to my eyes
우리의 슬픔도 그것과 똑 같으리라
Our sadness will be exactly the same
갈곳을 몰라서 헤메는 비젖은 나의 영혼아
Oh, my rain-soaked spirit wandering around not knowing where to go
바람이 불어와서 잎새는 떨어지고
The wind blows, and a leaf falls
떨어진 그 잎새가 바람에 굴러도
And even though that fallen leaf tumbles in the wind
우리네 슬픔도 그것과 똑 같으리라
The sadness of us all will be exactly the same
갈곳도 모르는 여인아
Oh, woman who doesn’t even know where she’s going
어디로 걸어가나
Where are you walking to?
7. 내게 숨은 당신
You Who Are Hidden to Me
Lyrics: Kim Hyeong-Yeon (김형연) Music: Cho Duk-Bae (조덕배)
바람이 불어오면 가슴이 저려오구요
When the wind blows my heart aches
정처없이 사람틈에 흘러 걸어도
And even if I aimlessly drift between people
내 가슴에 어느새 비가 내려요
Before long rain is falling in my heart
당신은 누구신가요
Who are you?
비되어 내게 숨은 당신은
You became rain and are hidden to me
피할길 없어 찾아든 나그네인가요
Are you a drifter who came in because there was no way to avoid it?
슬프도록 외로운 고독인가요
Are you grievously lonesome solitude?
당신은 누구신가요
Who are you?
어쩌면 하얀 웃음으로 피어난 사랑인가요
Perhaps you’re love that blossomed into a white smile?
어쩌면 하얀 웃음으로 다가온 사랑인가요
Perhaps you’re love that came closer with a white smile?
Ah, ah
8. 떠나가는 사람
The Person Who’s Leaving
떠나가는 그대여 이제 그만 돌아와요
Oh you who are leaving, stop it now and come back
해가지고 있잖아요
Isn’t the sun setting?
깊이 생각 다시 해서 내 품으로 돌아와요
Give it a good second thought and return to my arms
어둠이 깔려오잖아요
Isn’t darkness falling?
워, 워 내게 그만 돌아와요 해가 지기전에 워워
Whoa, whoa, come back to me, before the sun sets, whoa, whoa
내게 다시 돌아와요 달이 뜨기 전에
Come back to me again, before the moon comes out
진정 떠나가신다면 붙잡지는 않겠어요
If you were really to leave, I would not hold you back
마지막 한마디만 해요
That’s the last thing I’m going to say
떠나가는 그대여
Oh you who are leaving
붙잡지는 않겠어요
I would not hold you back
이제 그만 돌아와요
Stop it now and come back
해가지고 있잖아요
Isn’t the sun setting?
깊이 생각 다시 해서 내 품으로 돌아와요
Give it a good second thought and return to my arms
어둠이 깔려오잖아요
Isn’t darkness falling?
워, 워 내게 그만 돌아와요 해가 지기전에 워워
Whoa, whoa, come back to me, before the sun sets, whoa, whoa
내게 다시 돌아와요 달이 뜨기 전에
Come back to me again, before the moon comes out
진정 떠나가신다면 붙잡지는 않겠어요
If you were really to leave, I would not hold you back
마지막 한마디만 해요
That’s the last thing I’m going to say
사랑이 이런거라면 다시는 하지 않겠어요
If this is how love is, I won’t do it again
사랑이 이런거라면 다시는 하지 않겠어요
If this is how love is, I won’t do it again
9. 뒷모습이 참 이쁘네요
You Look So Pretty From Behind
뒷모습이 참 이쁘네요
You look so pretty from behind
당신 얼굴을 볼 수 없을까요
I wonder if I couldn’t see your face?
어디선가 본듯한 모습인데
You look like someone I’ve seen somewhere
알쏭달쏭 기억이 안나네요
I can’t recall the fuzzy memory
당신 얼글은 참 이쁠거야
Your face will be so pretty
뒷모습이 이렇게 이쁘니까
Because you’re this pretty from behind
얼굴 돌리는게 뭐 힘들어요
What’s so hard about turning your face?
얼굴 한번 보는게 소원인데
My wish is to see your face one time
이쁠거야 단신은 이쁠거야 당신은
You’ll be pretty, yes you will, you’ll be pretty, yes you will
당신은 이쁠거야
You will be pretty
누가 알어 세상일은 모르는것
You never know how it’ll turn out
돌다리도 두들기며 건너야지
You must tap on even a stone bridge while crossing, you know*
이제와서 망설이지 말아요
Don’t hesitate at this point
이젠 어쩔 수가 없잖아요
You can’t help it now, can you?
*Note: This is a Korean saying. The implication is that even for something as sturdy-looking as a stone bridge, you must tap on it to be sure that it’s safe. It’s similar to “look before you leap.”
Special thanks to Terry and
littlething for help with these translations.
Thank you so much for translating this, and the information too!