Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Cho Duk-Bae Vol. 5 (조덕배 5집) (1989)

Cho Duk-Bae skipped album number four (probably due to four being considered an unlucky number in Korea) and went straight to number five. This album produced one of his most famous songs, the lush “If You Come Into my Heart.” Cho’s beautiful jazzy folk style remains the same, but Byeon Seong-Yong’s arrangements add a new depth to his sound that wasn’t present on previous albums. The trot-like “I’ve Become Speechless” is a slight stylistic departure, but it fits the general mood. Altogether, it’s a very relaxing listen, as is usually the case with Cho.

This album is available on CD only as a combined disc with Cho’s third album and a slightly different track sequence. The sequence here is the one from the original vinyl album.

Cover art image source

All music and lyrics by Cho Duk-Bae (조덕배) unless otherwise noted.
Arranged by Byeon Seong-Yong (

Although I Always Look

바라봐도 없네
Although I always look, I can never see
희미하게도 없네
Faintly enough, I can’t see
오랜 세월이 순간처럼
The many years, like one moment
기억속에 다가오네
Are approaching in my memory

이제 봐도 그때 같이 아름다울까
Though I see now, are you as beautiful as you were then?
살며시 곁으로 있을까
Could you softly come to my side?
너무나 지나서 너무나 변해서
After so much time, after so much change
모습 그대로 남아 있을까
Does the image remain the same?
처음 만났던 보았던 미소가 아직도 눈가에 남아 있을까
Does the smile I saw the day we first met still remain in your eyes?
꿈에도 못잊을 그대를 보면은 다시 떠나가지 않을래
If I see the unforgettable you, even in a dream, I won’t leave again

아무것도 모르는 여인
The Woman Who Doesn’t Know a Thing

아무것도 모르고 기대있는 여인아
Oh, woman leaning against me not knowing a thing
밤이 가고 아침에 새벽이슬 빛날
When the night goes and the morning dew glistens
나는 그대 곁에서 아주 멀리 떠나 가는데
I am going very far away from your side

따달란 얘기가 그때는 싫었어요
Back then I hated when you told me to pick a flower
따달란 얘기를 그때는 몰랐어요
Back then I didn’t understand when you told me to catch a star
나는 그대 곁에서 아주 멀리 떠나 있는데
I am very far away from your side

따달란 얘기가 그때는 싫었어요
Back then I hated when you told me to catch a star
따달란 얘기를 그때는 몰랐어요
Back then I didn’t understand when you told me to pick a flower
나는 그대 곁에서 아주 멀리 떠나 있는데
I am very far away from your side

얘기를 다시 한번만 들어보고 싶어
I want to hear those words just one more time

별들을, 꽃들을, 마음을 이제 있는데
Now I can give you stars, flowers, my heart
별들을, 꽃들을 이제 주고 싶은데
Now I want to give you stars, flowers…

길고 어둠속에서도
Even in the Long, Long Darkness

달빛같은 그대 눈이 반짝이네
Your two eyes sparkle like the moonlight
아침까지 그대 눈을 있나
Can I look at your two eyes until morning?

어둔 밤이 우릴 가려도 깊은 물이 우릴 막아도
Though dark night covers us, though deep water blocks us
언제까지 그대 마음을 열어주오
How long until you open your heart to me?
영원토록 그대 마음을 열어주오
For all eternity, open your heart to me

험한길이 우릴 막아도 어둔 밤이 우릴 가려도
Though a rough path blocks us, though dark night covers us
언제까지 그대 마음을 열어주오
How long until you open your heart to me?

그냥 밤만되면
Just Because It’s Nighttime

불러보네 이름을 듣지 못할줄 알면서도
I call out that name, although I’m sure she can’t hear it
그냥 밤만되면
Just because it’s nighttime
들어보네 전화기를 벨이 울리지 않는데도
I pick up the telephone, even though the bell isn’t ringing
그냥 밤만되면
Just because it’s nighttime
적어보네 종이위에 받지 못할 알면서도
I write things down on paper, although I’m sure she can’t receive it
그냥 밤만되면
Just because it’s nighttime
걸어보네 하염없이 보지 못할줄 알면서도
I go for a long walk, although I’m sure I can’t see her
그냥 밤만되면
Just because it’s nighttime

울어보네 밤이되면 오지 못할줄 알면서도
I cry when night falls, although I’m sure she can’t come
그냥 울어보네
I just cry
들어보네 전화기를 벨이 울리지 않는데도
I pick up the telephone, even though the bell isn’t ringing
그냥 밤만되면
Just because it’s nighttime
두두두 두두두 두두두~
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo…

열어보네 유리문을 와있지 않는줄 알면서도
I open the glass door, although I’m sure she hasn’t come
그냥 밤만되면
Just because it’s nighttime

그대 내맘에 들어오면은
If You Come Into My Heart

다가가면 뒤돌아 뛰어가고
When I approach, you turn away and run
쳐다보면 하늘만 바라보고
 When I stare at you, you only gaze at the sky
내맘을 모르는지 알면서 그러는지
Do you not know how I feel, or do you know and just act that way?
시간만 자꾸자꾸 흘러가네
Time just flows on and on
스쳐가듯 곁을 지나가고
Though you pass my side as if to brush against me
돌아서서 모른 척하려 해도
And turn around trying to pretend you don’t know
마음에 강물처럼 흘러가는 그대는 무지갠가
Are you a rainbow flowing like river water into my heart?

뛰어갈텐데 훨훨 날아갈텐데
I would run, flutter flutter, I would fly
그대 내맘에 들어오면은
If you come into my heart
아이처럼 뛰어가지 않아도
Even if I don’t run like a child
나비 따라 떠나가지 않아도
 Even if I don’t take off with the butterflies
그렇게 오래오래 그대 곁에 남아서
I shall stay beside you so long
강물처럼 그대 곁에 흐르리
That I flow like river water beside you
뛰어갈텐데 날아갈텐데
I would run, I would fly
그대 내맘에 들어오면은
If you come into my heart

6. 말문이 막혀 버렸네
I’ve Become Speechless

Lyrics: Kim Hyeon-Wook (
김현욱) Music: Cho Duk-Bae (조덕배)

말문이 막혀버렸네 눈앞이 캄캄해오네
I’ve become speechless, everything has gone black
이별을 고하는 당신 말에 뺨에 하얀 눈물이
You tell me goodbye, and with that word there are white tears on my cheeks

가슴 적시어 흘러내리네 헤어짐이 슬픈거라면
They stream down and wet my entire chest, when separation is sad
듣지 말것을 그날 헤어짐이 가슴 아파도
I shouldn’t have listened to those words, though that day’s separation breaks my heart

한마디 말도 못하고
I can’t say a single word
마지막 당신 앞에서 모습 감추고 저멀리 가면은
If I go far away, concealing the last trace you’ve seen of me
당신 잊지 못하리
I shall not be able to forget you

오래된 우리의 얘기
Our Long-Lasting Story

어려서 그때는 몰랐어요
I didn’t know back then because I was young
그대가 영원토록 있을줄 알았어요
I was sure you would be there forever
날이 가고 세월이 흘러가서 이제는 알았어요
Days go by and time flows on, so now I know
그때가 즐겁던걸
Those times were nice indeed

떠나가면 어디로 가는걸까
Where do they go when they leave?
편안히 있는 이쁜 꽃밭으로
To a bed of pretty flowers where they can peacefully rest

기대서 나를 보던 그대의 슬픈 눈동자
The sad eyes of you, who leaned back and looked at me
모든걸 잊어버리네
I forget about everything
기대서 나를 보던 그대의 슬픈 눈동자
The sad eyes of you, who leaned back and looked at me
모든걸 잊어버리네
I forget about everything

그대여 인생에 마지막 남은 꽃을 꺾지말아요
Oh darling, don’t pick the last remaining flower in my life
그대여 인생에 마지막 남은 꽃을 꺾지말아요
Oh darling, don’t pick the last remaining flower in my life
그대여 인생에 마지막 남은 꽃을 꺾지말아요
Oh darling, don’t pick the last remaining flower in my life

그냥 밤만되면 (경음악)
Just Because It’s Nighttime (Instrumental)

Special thanks to littlething, Jaekyung Yoo, Lisa and Heesob Park for help with these translations.

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