Cho Yong-Pil’s phenomenal success in Korea made him the
first Korean rock artist to perform at Carnegie Hall, as is prominently
displayed by the front cover. Like Volume 1, some of the songs included were
themes to dramas, including the title song “Blessing (Candlelight),” and “Modern
History Figures.” Other songs of note include “Unexpected Goodbye,” which fuses
elements of both trot and disco and “I’ve Decided to Forget,” which has been
called a fusion of an adult pop song and a nursery rhyme. “Ganyangrok,” which
tells the story of a Joseon scholar in Japan, is also well-known, and the funky
“Let Me Meet” closes out the album with a twist.
Jigu Records hurried the release of this album as a follow-up to the bestselling Volume 1, and the tracks “Love Hasn’t Ended Yet” and “Sad Smile” from the first album are included again here.
Note: The CD version has a different track sequence, but since this album originally came out in the vinyl era, I’ve listed the track sequence from the vinyl version. The CD version doesn’t include the instrumental to “Bobbed Hair,” but it does include “Thoughts of Older Brother,” which wasn’t released on vinyl until Cho’s Volume 3. I have included a translation of “Thoughts of Older Brother” here.
Jigu Records hurried the release of this album as a follow-up to the bestselling Volume 1, and the tracks “Love Hasn’t Ended Yet” and “Sad Smile” from the first album are included again here.
Note: The CD version has a different track sequence, but since this album originally came out in the vinyl era, I’ve listed the track sequence from the vinyl version. The CD version doesn’t include the instrumental to “Bobbed Hair,” but it does include “Thoughts of Older Brother,” which wasn’t released on vinyl until Cho’s Volume 3. I have included a translation of “Thoughts of Older Brother” here.
Photo via ManiaDB |
1. 축복 (촛불)
Blessing (Candlelight)
Lyrics: Lee Hee-Woo (이희우)
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (조용필)
그대는 왜 촛불을 키셨나요
Why did you light the candle?
그대는 왜 촛불을 키셨나요
Why did you light the candle?
연약한 이 여인을 누구에게 말할까요
Whom might I tell of this delicate woman?
사랑의 촛불이여 여인의 눈물이여
Oh, candlelight of love, oh, woman’s tears
너마저 꺼진다면 꺼진다면 꺼진다면
If even you were extinguished, extinguished, extinguished…
바람아 멈추어라 촛불을 지켜다오
Stop, wind! Preserve the candlelight!
바람아 멈추어라 촛불을 지켜다오
Stop, wind! Preserve the candlelight!
연약한 이 여인을 누가 누가 누가 지키랴
Who, who, who shall preserve this delicate woman?
그대는 왜 촛불을 키셨나요
Why did you light the candle?
그대는 왜 촛불을 키셨나요
Why did you light the candle?
끝없는 그 이름을 누구에게 말할까요
To whom do I speak that eternal name?
철없는 촛불이여 외로운 불빛이여
Oh, innocent candlelight, oh, lonely glow
너마저 꺼진다면 꺼진다면 꺼진다면
If even you were extinguished, extinguished, extinguished…
2. 인물현대사
Modern History Figures
Lyrics: Kim Gyo-Shik (김교식)
Music: Kim Hee-Gap (김희갑)
나는 보았지 그 때 그 순간을
I saw it, that time, that moment
이제는 말하리라 이제는 말하리라
Now I shall tell it, now I shall tell it
구름은 흘러가도 역사는 남는 것
Though clouds pass by, history remains
아-아, 시련의 그 세월 뒤돌아보며
Ah…as we reflect on those times of trial
우리는 믿으리 내일의 영광
We shall trust in the glory of tomorrow
기억 하리라 그 때 그 사람들
We shall remember them, that time, those people
역사는 기록하리 역사는 기록하리
The history shall be recorded, the history shall be recorded
비바람은 불어도 사연은 남는 것
Though rain and wind blow, the story remains
아-아, 영욕의 그 세월 뒤돌아보며
Ah…as we reflect on those times of honor and shame
내일은 보리라 조국의 영광
Tomorrow shall see the glory of our country
3. 간양록
Lyrics: Shin Bong-Seung (신봉승)
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (조용필)
이국땅 삼경이면 밤마다 찬서리고
Every night there’s icy frost in the wee hours of this foreign land
어버이 한숨쉬는 새벽달일세
And the dawn moon that my parents sighed at
마음은 바람따라 고향으로 가는데
My heart goes to my hometown on the wind
선영 뒷산에 잡초는 누가 뜯으리
But who shall pick the weeds in the back hills of the family burial ground?
어야어야어야 어야어야어야
Uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya
어야어야어야 어야어야어야
Uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya
피눈물로 한줄한줄 간양록을 적으니
When I write down “Ganyangnok” line by line with tears of blood
님 그린 뜻 바다되어 하늘에 닿을 세라
My longing for my beloved grows like a sea, lest it reach the sky
어야어야어야 어야어야어야
Uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya
어야어야어야 어야어야어야
Uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya
어야어야어야 어야어야어야
Uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya
어야어야어야 어야어야어야
Uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya
Note: This song is about a Korean scholar from the Joseon Dynasty named Kang Hang. He was captured during one of the Japanese invasions and wrote a work called “Ganyangnok” while abroad, recording his observations about Japan. This song is sung from his perspective, as he longs to return to his homeland.
4. 사랑은 아직도 끝나지 않았네
Love Hasn’t Ended Yet
Lyrics: Oh Sa-Rang (오사랑)
Music: Heo Yeong-Cheol (허영철)
다시는 생각을 말자 생각을 말자고
Let me not, not think about it again
그렇게 애타던 말 한마디 못하고
I couldn’t say the word I was so anxious to say
잊어야 잊어야만 될 사랑이기에
Because of this love I absolutely must forget
깨끗이 묻어버린 내 청춘이건만
I have thoroughly buried my youth
그래도 못잊어 나 홀로 불러보네
But even so, I call out when I’m by myself, unable to forget
사랑은 아직도 끝나지 않았네
Love hasn’t ended yet
5. 세월
Lyrics: Kim Joong-Soon (김중순)
Music: Kim Hee-Gap (김희갑)
외로운 이 마음을 쓸쓸한 내 마음을 달랠 길이 없어
There’s no way to soothe this lonely heart, my forlorn heart
뜨거운 눈물이 두 뺨을 적셔 외로이 홀로 걸었네
Warm tears wet my two cheeks, and I walked all by my lonely self
세월은 흐르고 흐르다 봄은 돌아와도
Though spring returns after a long passage of time
한번간 내 사랑 나를 찾아 오려나
Is my love who once left going to come see me?
나를 버리고 떠나간 그 시절
Those days that abandoned me and left
돌아올까 돌아오려나 잊을 수 없는 세월
Might they return? Are they going to return? Those unforgettable times?
6. 단발머리 (경음악)
Bobbed Hair (Instrumental)
Lyrics: Park Geon-Ho (박건호)
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (조용필)
7. 외로워 마세요
Don’t Be Lonely
Lyrics: Park Geon-Ho (박건호)
Music: Kim Yeong-Gwang (김영광)
외로워 마세요 그대 곁에 내가 있어요
Don’t be lonely, I am at your side
물밀듯 다가오는 지난 추억이 지금도 아름다워요
The past memories that come flooding back are beautiful even now
이 밤이 새고나면 가야하지만 그것을 이별이라 하지 말아요
Once this night ends I must go, but don’t say that it’s goodbye
언제 어느 곳에 가더라도 우리 마음 함께 있으니
Whenever, wherever we go, our hearts are together
그대 그대 정말 외로워 마세요
So darling, darling, don’t be so lonely
8. 뜻밖의 이별
Unexpected Goodbye
Lyrics: Jeong Doo-Soo (정두수)
Music: Kim Yeong-Gwang (김영광)
가지말라 한번 사정할것을
I’ll beg you not to go one time
가는 너를 잡고 매달릴것을
I’ll grab and cling to you as you’re leaving
내가 왜 돌아서고 말았던가요
Why did I end up turning around?
아무리 뉘우친들 지나버린 일인데
No matter how much I regret it, it’s all in the past
이렇게 괴로울줄
And I didn’t know it would be this painful
뜻밖의 그 이별에 나도 몰래 눈물이 나네
I secretly shed tears for that unexpected goodbye
9. 잊기로 했네
I’ve Decided to Forget
Lyrics: Jeong Doo-Soo (정두수)
Music: Kim Yeong-Gwang (김영광)
나 그대 알 수가 없네
I can’t understand you
나 그대 믿을 수 없네
I can’t believe you
나 그대 알 수가 없어
I can’t understand you
나 그대 잊기로 했네
I’ve decided to forget you
좋았다가 싫어하니 나는
Do I dislike you while liking you?
싫어하다 좋아하니 나는
Do I like you while disliking you?
그 마음을 어떻게 해서 믿나
Do I believe you because you do something to my heart?
나 이제는 단념할 거야
Now I’m giving up
10. 슬픈 미소
Sad Smile
Lyrics: Yoo Hyeon-Jong (유현종)
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (조용필)
돌아서면 잊혀질까 세월가면 잊을 수 있을까
If I turn around, is it forgotten? If time goes by, can I forget?
슬픔은 흘러흘러 가슴을 적시네
Sadness flows and flows, dampening my heart
장미꽃 피는 날엔 돌아오마던 당신
On the day the rose blooms, you said you would return
여울지는 꿈속에서 그 미소를 찾아 헤맸지
In a vivid dream, I searched everywhere for that smile
가버리면 잊혀질까 눈감으면 잊을 수 있을까
If I go away, is it forgotten? If I close my eyes, can I forget?
서러움은 물들어 가슴을 적시네
Sorrow seeps in and dampens my heart
장미꽃 피는 날엔 돌아오마던 당신
On the day the rose blooms, you said you would return
여울지는 꿈속에서 그 미소를 찾아 헤맸지
In a vivid dream, I searched everywhere for that smile
11. 만나게 해주
Let Me Meet
Lyrics: Jeong Doo-Soo (정두수)
Music: Kim Yeong-Gwang (김영광)
그렇게도 떠나가기를 아쉬워한 그 사람인데
It is the one I’ve missed so much since she left
돌아보면서 돌아보면서 멀어지던 후미진 골목
In the secluded alley that receded in the distance as I looked back
나 이제 그리워서 여기를 왔네
I came here because I now long for her
그 사람 못잊어서 오늘 밤에도
Because I can’t forget that person, even tonight
아-아 한번만 만나게 해주
Ah..let me meet just one time
내 가슴에 깊이 새겨진 그 사람 만나게 해주
Let me meet that person deeply carved in my heart
Thoughts of Older Brother
Lyrics: Choi Soon-Ae (최순애)
Music: Park Tae-Joon (박태준)
뜸북뜸북 뜸북새 논에서 울고
Crake, crake, when the crake cries in the field
뻐꾹뻐꾹 뻐꾹새 숲에서 울제
Cuckoo, cuckoo, and the cuckoo cries in the forest
우리 오빠 말타고 서울 가시며
My older brother rode a horse to Seoul
비단구두 사가지고 오신다더니
And said he’d return with silk shoes
기럭기럭 기러기 북에서 오고
Geese, geese, the wild geese come from the north
귀뚤귀뚤 귀뚜라미 슬피 울건만
Cricket, crickets, and the crickets sadly cry
서울 가신 오빠는 소식도 없고
But there’s no word from my brother who went to Seoul
나뭇잎만 우수수 떨어집니다
And only multitudes of leaves fall
Blessing (Candlelight)
Lyrics: Lee Hee-Woo (이희우)
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (조용필)
그대는 왜 촛불을 키셨나요
Why did you light the candle?
그대는 왜 촛불을 키셨나요
Why did you light the candle?
연약한 이 여인을 누구에게 말할까요
Whom might I tell of this delicate woman?
사랑의 촛불이여 여인의 눈물이여
Oh, candlelight of love, oh, woman’s tears
너마저 꺼진다면 꺼진다면 꺼진다면
If even you were extinguished, extinguished, extinguished…
바람아 멈추어라 촛불을 지켜다오
Stop, wind! Preserve the candlelight!
바람아 멈추어라 촛불을 지켜다오
Stop, wind! Preserve the candlelight!
연약한 이 여인을 누가 누가 누가 지키랴
Who, who, who shall preserve this delicate woman?
그대는 왜 촛불을 키셨나요
Why did you light the candle?
그대는 왜 촛불을 키셨나요
Why did you light the candle?
끝없는 그 이름을 누구에게 말할까요
To whom do I speak that eternal name?
철없는 촛불이여 외로운 불빛이여
Oh, innocent candlelight, oh, lonely glow
너마저 꺼진다면 꺼진다면 꺼진다면
If even you were extinguished, extinguished, extinguished…
2. 인물현대사
Modern History Figures
Lyrics: Kim Gyo-Shik (김교식)
Music: Kim Hee-Gap (김희갑)
나는 보았지 그 때 그 순간을
I saw it, that time, that moment
이제는 말하리라 이제는 말하리라
Now I shall tell it, now I shall tell it
구름은 흘러가도 역사는 남는 것
Though clouds pass by, history remains
아-아, 시련의 그 세월 뒤돌아보며
Ah…as we reflect on those times of trial
우리는 믿으리 내일의 영광
We shall trust in the glory of tomorrow
기억 하리라 그 때 그 사람들
We shall remember them, that time, those people
역사는 기록하리 역사는 기록하리
The history shall be recorded, the history shall be recorded
비바람은 불어도 사연은 남는 것
Though rain and wind blow, the story remains
아-아, 영욕의 그 세월 뒤돌아보며
Ah…as we reflect on those times of honor and shame
내일은 보리라 조국의 영광
Tomorrow shall see the glory of our country
3. 간양록
Lyrics: Shin Bong-Seung (신봉승)
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (조용필)
이국땅 삼경이면 밤마다 찬서리고
Every night there’s icy frost in the wee hours of this foreign land
어버이 한숨쉬는 새벽달일세
And the dawn moon that my parents sighed at
마음은 바람따라 고향으로 가는데
My heart goes to my hometown on the wind
선영 뒷산에 잡초는 누가 뜯으리
But who shall pick the weeds in the back hills of the family burial ground?
어야어야어야 어야어야어야
Uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya
어야어야어야 어야어야어야
Uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya
피눈물로 한줄한줄 간양록을 적으니
When I write down “Ganyangnok” line by line with tears of blood
님 그린 뜻 바다되어 하늘에 닿을 세라
My longing for my beloved grows like a sea, lest it reach the sky
어야어야어야 어야어야어야
Uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya
어야어야어야 어야어야어야
Uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya
어야어야어야 어야어야어야
Uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya
어야어야어야 어야어야어야
Uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya, uh-ya
Note: This song is about a Korean scholar from the Joseon Dynasty named Kang Hang. He was captured during one of the Japanese invasions and wrote a work called “Ganyangnok” while abroad, recording his observations about Japan. This song is sung from his perspective, as he longs to return to his homeland.
4. 사랑은 아직도 끝나지 않았네
Love Hasn’t Ended Yet
Lyrics: Oh Sa-Rang (오사랑)
Music: Heo Yeong-Cheol (허영철)
다시는 생각을 말자 생각을 말자고
Let me not, not think about it again
그렇게 애타던 말 한마디 못하고
I couldn’t say the word I was so anxious to say
잊어야 잊어야만 될 사랑이기에
Because of this love I absolutely must forget
깨끗이 묻어버린 내 청춘이건만
I have thoroughly buried my youth
그래도 못잊어 나 홀로 불러보네
But even so, I call out when I’m by myself, unable to forget
사랑은 아직도 끝나지 않았네
Love hasn’t ended yet
5. 세월
Lyrics: Kim Joong-Soon (김중순)
Music: Kim Hee-Gap (김희갑)
외로운 이 마음을 쓸쓸한 내 마음을 달랠 길이 없어
There’s no way to soothe this lonely heart, my forlorn heart
뜨거운 눈물이 두 뺨을 적셔 외로이 홀로 걸었네
Warm tears wet my two cheeks, and I walked all by my lonely self
세월은 흐르고 흐르다 봄은 돌아와도
Though spring returns after a long passage of time
한번간 내 사랑 나를 찾아 오려나
Is my love who once left going to come see me?
나를 버리고 떠나간 그 시절
Those days that abandoned me and left
돌아올까 돌아오려나 잊을 수 없는 세월
Might they return? Are they going to return? Those unforgettable times?
6. 단발머리 (경음악)
Bobbed Hair (Instrumental)
Lyrics: Park Geon-Ho (박건호)
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (조용필)
7. 외로워 마세요
Don’t Be Lonely
Lyrics: Park Geon-Ho (박건호)
Music: Kim Yeong-Gwang (김영광)
외로워 마세요 그대 곁에 내가 있어요
Don’t be lonely, I am at your side
물밀듯 다가오는 지난 추억이 지금도 아름다워요
The past memories that come flooding back are beautiful even now
이 밤이 새고나면 가야하지만 그것을 이별이라 하지 말아요
Once this night ends I must go, but don’t say that it’s goodbye
언제 어느 곳에 가더라도 우리 마음 함께 있으니
Whenever, wherever we go, our hearts are together
그대 그대 정말 외로워 마세요
So darling, darling, don’t be so lonely
8. 뜻밖의 이별
Unexpected Goodbye
Lyrics: Jeong Doo-Soo (정두수)
Music: Kim Yeong-Gwang (김영광)
가지말라 한번 사정할것을
I’ll beg you not to go one time
가는 너를 잡고 매달릴것을
I’ll grab and cling to you as you’re leaving
내가 왜 돌아서고 말았던가요
Why did I end up turning around?
아무리 뉘우친들 지나버린 일인데
No matter how much I regret it, it’s all in the past
이렇게 괴로울줄
And I didn’t know it would be this painful
뜻밖의 그 이별에 나도 몰래 눈물이 나네
I secretly shed tears for that unexpected goodbye
9. 잊기로 했네
I’ve Decided to Forget
Lyrics: Jeong Doo-Soo (정두수)
Music: Kim Yeong-Gwang (김영광)
나 그대 알 수가 없네
I can’t understand you
나 그대 믿을 수 없네
I can’t believe you
나 그대 알 수가 없어
I can’t understand you
나 그대 잊기로 했네
I’ve decided to forget you
좋았다가 싫어하니 나는
Do I dislike you while liking you?
싫어하다 좋아하니 나는
Do I like you while disliking you?
그 마음을 어떻게 해서 믿나
Do I believe you because you do something to my heart?
나 이제는 단념할 거야
Now I’m giving up
10. 슬픈 미소
Sad Smile
Lyrics: Yoo Hyeon-Jong (유현종)
Music: Cho Yong-Pil (조용필)
돌아서면 잊혀질까 세월가면 잊을 수 있을까
If I turn around, is it forgotten? If time goes by, can I forget?
슬픔은 흘러흘러 가슴을 적시네
Sadness flows and flows, dampening my heart
장미꽃 피는 날엔 돌아오마던 당신
On the day the rose blooms, you said you would return
여울지는 꿈속에서 그 미소를 찾아 헤맸지
In a vivid dream, I searched everywhere for that smile
가버리면 잊혀질까 눈감으면 잊을 수 있을까
If I go away, is it forgotten? If I close my eyes, can I forget?
서러움은 물들어 가슴을 적시네
Sorrow seeps in and dampens my heart
장미꽃 피는 날엔 돌아오마던 당신
On the day the rose blooms, you said you would return
여울지는 꿈속에서 그 미소를 찾아 헤맸지
In a vivid dream, I searched everywhere for that smile
11. 만나게 해주
Let Me Meet
Lyrics: Jeong Doo-Soo (정두수)
Music: Kim Yeong-Gwang (김영광)
그렇게도 떠나가기를 아쉬워한 그 사람인데
It is the one I’ve missed so much since she left
돌아보면서 돌아보면서 멀어지던 후미진 골목
In the secluded alley that receded in the distance as I looked back
나 이제 그리워서 여기를 왔네
I came here because I now long for her
그 사람 못잊어서 오늘 밤에도
Because I can’t forget that person, even tonight
아-아 한번만 만나게 해주
Ah..let me meet just one time
내 가슴에 깊이 새겨진 그 사람 만나게 해주
Let me meet that person deeply carved in my heart
Thoughts of Older Brother
Lyrics: Choi Soon-Ae (최순애)
Music: Park Tae-Joon (박태준)
뜸북뜸북 뜸북새 논에서 울고
Crake, crake, when the crake cries in the field
뻐꾹뻐꾹 뻐꾹새 숲에서 울제
Cuckoo, cuckoo, and the cuckoo cries in the forest
우리 오빠 말타고 서울 가시며
My older brother rode a horse to Seoul
비단구두 사가지고 오신다더니
And said he’d return with silk shoes
기럭기럭 기러기 북에서 오고
Geese, geese, the wild geese come from the north
귀뚤귀뚤 귀뚜라미 슬피 울건만
Cricket, crickets, and the crickets sadly cry
서울 가신 오빠는 소식도 없고
But there’s no word from my brother who went to Seoul
나뭇잎만 우수수 떨어집니다
And only multitudes of leaves fall
Special thanks to Heesob
Park, law and littlething for help with these translations.
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